free consultation 715-845-9000

Workers Compensation Attorney for Eau Claire

If are injured on the job in the Eau Claire area, and your work comp claim is denied, then you will likely have questions: Can the workers comp insurer deny my claim even if I definitely got hurt at work? What do I do if the work comp sets me up with an independent medical exam (IME)?  What rights to I have if my claim is denied?  How am I supposed to support my family and pay my bills if my workers compensation claim is denied but I can’t get back to work?  What do I do if my employer offers to bring me back to work but my doctor doesn’t want me to return to work yet?  What do I do if I am permanently disabled and don’t know if I can return to my job?  You may have many questions, and you deserve answers to your questions.  If workers comp denies your claim, you can fight back.  A good lawyer can answer your question, and can also recover the settlement you deserve.   There are many different claims that can be made in workers compensation law, and this will depend on the details of your case, but under the work comp statute there are claims for lost wages, temporary disability, permanent disability, future lost earnings, disfigurement, bad faith, unreasonable refusal to rehire, safety violations, medical bills, mileage, and vocational retraining.   For example, if you have a significant injury, and miss time from work for a surgery, and then are able to return to work after your recovery, then you will have a claim for your medical bills, mileage to your doctor, lost wages (temporary total disability), and possible permanent disability depending on the type of surgery and the level of your recovery.  If your employer refuses to take you back to work, then other claims may come in to play such as unreasonable refusal to rehire.  The bottom line is, as an employee, you have rights.  You have the right to keep your job if you can still do it, you have the right to be fairly compensated under the work comp law, and you have the right to seek a recovery or settlement if these benefits are unfairly denied to you.   Attorney John R. Jokela handles work comp and Social Security Disability cases in the Eau Claire area and will talk to you about your case at no cost.   Call John at 715-845-9000.  If you decide to hire him, he will also meet with you in Eau Claire or wherever you are in Wisconsin.   John lives and works in the Wausau area, but is happy to go to where you are to help you get the settlement you deserve.