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How Do I File a Workers Comp Claim in Wisconsin?

Posted in Uncategorized on October 6, 2017

Filing a Workers Compensation Claim in Wisconsin is a simple process.  If you are injured on the job, you should let your supervisor know about your injury immediately.  Under Wisconsin Law, if you are injured on the job, you have must report your injury to your employer right away.  If you believe  medical treatment is necessary, you can go see a doctor or medical provider of your choice.  The cost of reasonable and necessary medical treatment are covered at 100% by workers compensation if the claim is accepted.  Once your report your workers comp claim to your employer, they are supposed to create a report of injury and forward it to their workers compensation insurance company.  You will then be contacted by an adjustor or other representative from the work comp carrier will likely contact you and ask more questions.  The adjustor may also ask for a recorded statement from you.  Please note that under Wisconsin Law you are NOT required to give a recorded statement.   You have to answer questions so that the adjustor knows what happened, and you have to let your employer know about your medical treatment for your injury and your work limitations, but you do not have to allow workers comp to record your statement.   If the adjustor insists on taking a recorded statement from you, you have the right to consult with an attorney if you choose.  If you report a workers compensation claim, and your claim is denied, then you also have the right to appeal this denial.  An tough and experienced workers compensation attorney can help you.  I offer free consultations.  Just call me at 715-845-9000, and I can tell you what to do.   Attorney John R. Jokela is licensed to practice law throughout the State of Wisconsin.